Thursday, January 24, 2008

Our Daily Thanks To Not Be Aboard THAT Ship of Fools

The latest rumblings, as eyewitnessed (and suffered) by the New York Post:

"An MSG spokesman said a media member can ask for special permission through the PR staff to interview a celebrity but must be escorted by a Knick employee to the expo center."

I dunno, squiring specially permitted scribes would be a great way for Starbury to earn some of the $4 million or so he'll be due during these months he's on the DL.
On the other hand, I'd bet being forbidden to tread through the muck of the Garden's "bowels" couldn't further ruffle the feathers of the full-court-offended journos on this beat, Marc Berman included.

I may be playing the metaphor mixmaster here, but the Dolan-ites can process their fans and can the meat of their PR muscle to heart's content--would that this organization only be able to delete its woe like so much spam.

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